
3 possible matches for Kofi Kingston at SummerSlam 2019

Kofi Kingston and the New Day
Kofi Kingston and the New Day

Disclaimer: The views of the author do not reflect those of Sportskeeda.

We're just one month away from the 'Biggest Party of the Summer'. For the past month or so, Vince McMahon and co. have been trying to build new storylines which can be carried towards the grand PPV of SummerSlam. At SummerSlam, fans would definitely love to see Seth Rollins face someone else as we all are tired of watching him facing Baron Corbin for the Universal title.

WWE will be looking forward to putting a huge role on Brock Lesnar as well. Brock Lesnar may even enter SummerSlam either as WWE or Universal Champion, as he is likely to cash in his contract at the Extreme Rules PPV.

Also, Kofi Kingston is currently scheduled to defend his WWE Championship against Samoa Joe at Extreme Rules. This is a fresh rivalry and the fans would love to see more of the ‘David vs Goliath’ battle. Furthermore, Kofi might face Brock at SummerSlam invoking his rematch clause (if Lesnar successfully cashes on Kofi).

We'll take a look at 3 possible opponents for Kofi at SummerSlam.

#3. Kofi Kingston vs Samoa Joe vs Daniel Bryan

Kofi is set to defend his WWE title against Joe at Extreme Rules
Kofi is set to defend his WWE title against Joe at Extreme Rules

Kofi needs some big stars to headline 'The Biggest Show of the Summer'. And to be honest there are no bigger stars on SmackDown Live than Samoa Joe and Daniel Bryan. Facing and defeating Samoa Joe and Daniel Bryan would only further cement him as the top guy in the company with a huge fanbase.

Ever since the crushing defeat at the hands of Kofi Kingston at WrestleMania 35, Daniel Bryan had to go back to the mid-card where he became the SmackDown tag-team champion with Eric Rowan, beating any team put in front of them. But at SummerSlam WWE would want Bryan to step up and fight for the bigger gold.

WWE has booked Kofi Kingston really strongly for the past few months, which signals that something huge is being planned for him. But first, Kofi needs to get past Joe at Extreme Rules.

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