
3 possible outcomes of the Kevin Owens and Bobby Lashley feud

Kevin Owens
Kevin Owens returned to attack Lashley on the last edition of Raw

2 weeks ago, Kevin Owens shocked the WWE Universe by saying 'I quit' after a heart-breaking loss to the WWE Intercontinental Champion, Seth Rollins. However, just one week later Kevin Owens returned out of the blue to attack Bobby Lashley on the last edition of Monday Night Raw. Later, Lashley took to Twitter to express his anger saying 'I will rip Owens apart'.

A possible feud looks totally on the cards. This may seem like any other feud to most fans, but it not only will give new directions, but also will add meaning to the characters of Kevin Owens and Bobby Lashley.

So without further ado, I present to you 3 possible outcomes of the Owens and Lashley feud.

#3 Heel turn for Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley
Lashley's return has been underwhelming

Lashley's return to WWE was one of the talked about events of this summer. He clashed with WWE's top babyface Roman Reigns straight-away on his return, even beating him on one occasion. Thus, it seemed that WWE was going to push him hard.

2 months later, WWE had no idea where they were moving with Lashley's character until last week when Owens returned to attack him. Thus, it seems the right occasion to give a little twist to his character and turn him heel.

WWE's flagship show Monday Night Raw lacks a top heel. The recent heel turn of Braun Strowman also seems temporary. Thus, having Lashley as a full-fledged heel could be an interesting option, given his work as a heel in the past.

#2 Sami Zayn's return

Sami is out of action due to his injury
Sami is out of action due to his injury

Last week on Raw after attacking and mauling Lashley, Kevin Owens explained his side of the story, saying he did it for Sami Zayn.

So, it seems WWE is adding the Sami Zayn angle into the feud. Zayn is out of action due to injury and is expected to return later this year. WWE could have Zayn return to play a major role in this feud.

KO and Sami Zayn share a hell of a history, and the tales of their friendship are known worldwide. They have produced some 5-star matches both in NXT and on the main roster. Zayn's return will not only give ample options to WWE, but also add new directions to the feud.

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