
3 Potential Opponents For The Undertaker At WrestleMania 35

Will The Undertaker feature at WrestleMan
Will The Undertaker feature at WrestleMania 35?

Even though WWE legend The Undertaker doesn't currently have a match at this year's WrestleMania 35 event, there's certainly talk that he'll be a part of the show in one way or another.

In recent years, the quality of The Undertaker's WrestleMania matches have fallen off, but that doesn't mean that he's not one of the company's biggest attractions despite the fact that he's no longer close to being what he used to be.

If WWE is going to book a match for The Undertaker at next month's show, then they better make sure they get him in the ring with someone who is in their prime, and someone who knows how to get a great match out of literally anybody.

So, with that in mind, here are three huge names that are currently in their prime, and if motivated, can have a great match with anyone. So, let's get started!

#3 Dean Ambrose

Over the years, former WWE World Heavyweight Champion Dean Ambrose has gotten the reputation of being a lazy performer, however, when he's motivated, he can do some pretty incredible things.

Sure, as far as we know, Ambrose is set to leave WWE after WrestleMania 35, which means that he might not be all that motivated to put on a great show if he's booked on the Mania card. However, there could be one match that motivates him on the eve of his exit, which is a match against The Undertaker.

Since Ambrose will be leaving, it might make sense for The Undertaker to beat him before he heads off to All Elite Wrestling, if that is where he ends up going. Also, having one last great match in WWE with a legend would definitely boost the ex-Shield member's value as a free agent.

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