
3 reasons Becky Lynch goes too far on social media, and 3 reasons she does not

Becky Lynch has sparred with many of her fellow WWE stars on social media, such as this tweet directed at Ronda Rousey.
Becky Lynch has sparred with many of her fellow WWE stars on social media, such as this tweet directed at Ronda Rousey.

Some call her the WWE's first female anti-hero, but does Becky Lynch cross a line with her social media posts?

Pro wrestling has endured as a form of entertainment for over a century thanks to its unique blend of athleticism, scripted drama, and the knowledge that there are real people performing live on television without re-takes or safety equipment beyond elbow and knee pads.

Even though all but the youngest and/or most deluded fans know that pro wrestling is a scripted entertainment form, it cannot be stressed enough how important it is that the wrestlers are real people taking real risks. When a movie action hero dangles off the edge of a building, the audience knows that it's either a green screen or there are hidden safety measures to protect him. But in pro wrestling, when Shawn Michaels is dangling off the edge of the Hell in a Cell cage, you know that he's legitimately in danger.

With the advent of social media, now wrestlers are essentially on stage twenty four hours a day. Many times in the past a sports entertainment talent has had their career damaged or even ended by an errant social media post. For example, Randy Orton was once raked over the coals for fat shaming a fan, and Jimmy Jacobs lost his job with WWE after tweeting a photo with some friends outside WWE headquarters.

Perhaps no currently active wrestler is more bold, daring, and controversial on social media than The Man, Becky Lynch. While other wrestlers have adopted social media as a means to further their careers, Lynch has taken it to the next level to a point where many wonder whether she is going off the deep end.

Here are three reasons Becky Lynch's social media posts might be going too far, and three that she's doing nothing wrong.

Becky Lynch is going too far #1: She sometimes attacks people she's not in an angle with.

Becky Lynch and Corey Graves don't cross paths on WWE programming, but they have crossed swords on twitter.
Becky Lynch and Corey Graves don't cross paths on WWE programming, but they have crossed swords on twitter.

Okay, we get it; There are a lot of misogynistic trolls out there who are--for no particular reason--infuriated that Becky Lynch is referring to herself as The Man. And we also get that Corey Graves can sort of come across as a rather annoying person, particularly on social media.

However, is that any reason for Becky Lynch to tear him to shreds with tweets and posts? Recently a fan suggested that Becky Lynch should have a romance angle and that the ideal paramour for her character would be one member of the announce team, Corey Graves.

Lynch's response was brutal and to the point;

Of all the things I could “use” in my life right now, a romance with a middle-aged emo poured into skinny jeans isn’t one of them. Maybe you should wait till Monday to reply, you know, when you’ll have help with what to say.

Ouch! While her comments may have been amusing, they serve little purpose; Corey Graves is no longer an active wrestler, and he is even on a different show than Lynch altogether. Since she's not furthering any storylines with such tweets, she's just being mean without purpose other than cruelty.

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