
3 reasons Becky Lynch is the "Stone Cold" Steve Austin of the reality era in WWE

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (left) and Becky Lynch (right) share a ton of similarities with one another

Becky Lynch is one of the most beloved female wrestlers to walk the planet today--be it her wrestling or her promo skills, "The Irish Lass Kicker" is one who exceeds expectations on all fronts. Well, fortunately for fans of this talented young woman, the WWE lately seems to have taken great interest in promoting the Irishwoman as one of the Women's Division's top stars.

Notwithstanding, the fact remains that Lynch could be better utilized by the company--not only in its storylines, but also on the corporate front as a strong, assertive representative of the company. Despite the WWE's recent push of Lynch, one simply cannot deny the argument the hordes of her fans make--alleging that she ought to rightfully be accorded a more significant amount of the spotlight in the WWE Universe.

In light of Lynch's recent heel turn, which was rather unsurprisingly followed by the WWE altering its booking and presenting her as a tweener (i.e. neither heel nor face)--today, we are going to be looking at why Lynch's star-power is so very influential that the global media conglomerate that is WWE was coerced to depict this Superstar as a beloved anti-hero rather than a run-of-the-mill heel.

Bear in mind, Lynch's current situation in WWE is eerily similar to that of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin's back in the day when--despite him initially being portrayed as a heel--the WWE Universe chose to cheer him and boo the babyface in the feud, Bret Hart! This discussion is about to get heated!

#3 Legitimization

Often times in the world of professional wrestling, athletes who possess a decent amount of experience from other legitimate sporting competitions--for instance, boxers, football players, power-lifters, et cetera--are given a considerable degree of preference over performers who've done nothing but professional wrestling.

Notwithstanding, when one talks about a legitimately intimidating character in pro-wrestling, names such as former UFC Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar, MMA legend Ronda Rousey, 3-time Golden Glove boxing champion Baron Corbin, and a few others come to mind. However, a select few individuals who don't boast the legitimate sporting credentials as the aforesaid trio does, still somehow manage to get themselves 'over' with the fans as legitimate badasses.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin had that aura of a true renegade, as does Becky Lynch! Frankly speaking, these naturally-gifted Superstars don't need any qualifications to justify their rebellious behavior. Lynch has an aura of a hell-raising agitator, which makes her anti-hero depiction in WWE the best option moving forward...

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