
3 reasons why Becky Lynch is the most interesting character heading into WWE Evolution

Becky Lynch is the one to look out for at WWE Evolution
Becky Lynch is the one to look out for at WWE Evolution

With WWE Evolution just a few hours away, there are fan predictions and outcome scenarios being posted all over the internet. However, this article pertains to the most interesting character heading into the pay-per-view itself, and that character just so happens to be Becky Lynch.

Here are a few reasons why Becky Lynch is the most interesting character heading into WWE Evolution.

#1 Her feud with Charlotte Flair

Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair for the SD Live Women's title will take place at Evolution
Becky Lynch vs Charlotte Flair for the SD Live Women's title will take place at Evolution

It is in popular opinion that Becky Lynch and Charlotte Flair are the superstars who deserve to main event WWE Evolution.

This is primarily because of how good their feud has been. However, the reason behind the feud's success is the Charlotte/Becky dynamic.

You see, on the outside, Becky Lynch is the heel and Charlotte Flair is the babyface, as simple as that. However, when you think really hard about it, one of the main reasons why Becky did what she did is because Charlotte fails to see her point of view.

Becky Lynch is fighting for the right thing by any means necessary, which does make a lot of sense. However, heels are usually the ones who fight for all the wrong things with obtuse reasons. So where does Becky Lynch fit into this scenario?

More importantly, where does that leave Charlotte Flair? She follows a moral code without going over the edge. How long will it be until Charlotte Flair breaks her morality?

The above dynamic is why fans bought into this feud in the first place. There are multiple layers associated with it, and this is also why Becky Lynch comes off as an interesting character in this scenario - Lynch is the one with all the cool lines.

Lynch is the one who can do whatever she wants, and still get cheered for it. Becky Lynch is the one with all the heat and controversy, and Charlotte Flair is just following the path, that is until Flair finally reaches a tipping point.

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