
3 Reasons why Seth Rollins isn't the next Roman Reigns 

Rollins has been receiving a lot of boos from fans lately
Rollins has been receiving a lot of boos from fans lately

It's never a good sight to see your top babyface getting booed by fans for essentially keeping his word. Two weeks ago on RAW, Universal Champion Seth Rollins promised to hunt down The Fiend. The end of the show saw 'The Architect' burning down the Firefly Fun House to a chorus of boos. It would be foolish to think that the company expected anything but a negative reaction to the arson. The show has been a huge hit with fans ever since it debuted way back in April. 

Many fans have soured on 'The Beastslayer' as WWE's top babyface. This is quite ironic, especially considering how he was one of their favorites only a year ago and someone whom they had been clamoring to see in the top spot. Rollins was booed heavily during his dark match against The Fiend recently on RAW, which has led many to believe that Rollins might be getting the Roman Reigns treatment. 

This isn't the first instance of a WWE babyface getting booed by fans. It has happened before with John Cena and Roman Reigns. Given the ever shifting opinion of the 2019 WWE Universe, it will most likely happen again with some other Superstar. Some have even gone as far as to compare Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.

For quite some time, Roman Reigns carried the mantle of being the most polarizing figure in WWE. Many feel that the same is happening with Seth Rollins, where fans have turned on him despite being positioned as the top babyface.

While Rollins may have earned the ire of the WWE Universe, readers should be made aware: He isn't the next Roman Reigns and here are three reasons why.

#3 He was never 'The Chosen One'

Rollins, a former ROH World Champion, worked his way up from the indies
Rollins, a former ROH World Champion, worked his way up from the indies

From the moment The Shield debuted in 2012, it was fairly obvious who WWE was building as their next top star. Roman Reigns was always meant to be the breakout star of the group. It is widely believed that initially The Shield was supposed to be Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Kassius Ohno (Chris Hero), but the company pushed for Reigns to be in the stable and 'The Big Dog' ended up taking Ohno's place in the group.

The Shield was always meant to be a launchpad for Reigns to break out as a singles star once the group inevitably dissolved. Reigns was presented as the muscle of the group. 'The Big Dog' was undefeated in singles competition for more than two years. The fact that the company kept pushing Reigns as the top star despite the negative fan reaction shows that Reigns was the chosen one out the trio and the company saw him as the face of WWE.

Rollins was never even on the company's radar. In fact, Rollins was the one who reached out to the company during the end of his Ring of Honor run. 'The Architect' was offered a lucrative deal by Impact Wrestling, which he declined in favor of a developmental deal with WWE. After signing with WWE in 2010, Rollins would spend more than two years in WWE's developmental territory before moving to the main roster as part of The Shield in 2012. 

Unlike Reigns, Rollins was never meant to be the top star in the company. The former ROH World Champion carried the baggage of being an indie darling, which meant his chances of making it to the top in Vince McMahon's Superstar powered company were minuscule.

WWE underwent a massive change during the early stages of Rollins' run on the main roster. Fellow indie stars like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan grabbed the proverbial 'brass ring' and became megastars. Had Punk and Bryan failed as top stars, Rollins may have been a mid-carder at best.

Rollins has earned his position based on his in-ring acumen and work ethic, something that modern wrestling fans appreciate more and more. He essentially carried Monday Night RAW on his back for the better part of 2018. As the Intercontinental Champion, Rollins put on incredible matches each and every week and was the pride of the WWE Universe.

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