3 reasons why the latest episode of RAW was the best WWE TV episode in a long time

It really looks like Paul Heyman has started his job as the executive director of Monday Night RAW. What a brilliant episode of pro wrestling we just had. We had some brilliant matches, some excellent promo segments (and some bad ones too), appearances from the likes of The Undertaker, and to top it all off, an outstanding heel turn.
The last episode of RAW, in fact, might be the best WWE TV episode in ages. With the TV ratings plummeting down at a brisk pace, WWE needed to pull some tricks out of its sleeves and it seems that WWE has just begun showing us what they have.
In this thread, we will take a look at a few reasons why this episode of RAW was the best WWE TV episode in a long time. But beware - Spoiler Alert.
#3 The heel turn

Let us kick the list off with the elephant in the room. For the second week in a row, the main event spot of the Red Brand went to the Phenomenal One AJ Styles and the United States Champion Ricochet. Styles had the match won when he hit the Phenomenal Forearm on Ricochet. However, the referee did not see Ricochet's leg under the bottom rope.
The result was quickly overturned by another referee, forcing the match to restart. However, this time, Styles was surprised by a roll up by Ricochet and lost the title.
Within a few seconds, we got the payoff for the segments from the last few weeks between Styles and his former brothers-in-arms. Styles attacked Ricochet and destroyed him with the help of the Good Brothers. Styles has officially turned heel and now, we have something interesting on our hands.
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