
3 shocking things that could happen at WWE Stomping Grounds

WWE's newest show is around the corner
WWE's newest show is around the corner

Now I love WWE, but the card for WWE Stomping Grounds is one of the weakest that we have seen in a long time. That doesn't mean it's bad, and it's not, but looking at the card, there might not be the best matches on this show compared to others. The best thing WWE can do to make us remember this show is throw in a few surprises during the PPV.

Now, these surprises could be good like a return or a shocking win that makes sense, but it might not be that at all. WWE could choose to shock us in a bad way by having an underwhelming person be announced as the referee for Rollins vs Corbin, or shock wins that probably shouldn't happen. Time will tell if any of these things actually will happen, but they all potentially could, and that could be a good or a bad thing.


#3 The special referee is Shane McMahon

The so-called best in the world
The so-called best in the world

The reason Shane being the referee would be shocking is due to the fact he is currently in a feud with Roman Reigns, and being the heel referee against Seth Rollins would surely lead to Seth and Roman teaming up once again.

This would also be somewhat shocking as their other Shield brother, Dean Ambrose, has signed with WWE's newest competition, All Elite Wrestling. WWE could try to counter the buzz by having Seth and Roman team up against Shane and Drew to start off the summer and leading into Summerslam.

The initial shock of Shane being the referee would not be the good kind of shock but rather the bad kind. This would maybe even lead to Corbin beating Seth, which basically no one wants to see, so WWE should avoid making this decision.

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