
3 Superstars who will be buried & 2 who will be pushed at WWE Stomping Grounds 2019

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WWE's Stomping Grounds PPV comes to us at a critical time for WWE, when the product is at its lowest and needs to make changes quickly to counter new competition in AEW.

Also Read: 5 things WWE should not do at Stomping Grounds 2019

WWE is currently in a transitional phase, with several new Superstars getting into their stride, while WWE is also preparing itself for SmackDown's move over to Fox.

Stomping Grounds is a 'B' PPV which is a bridge to the bigger PPVs that are set to come in the near future, most notably SummerSlam. But this is an important PPV in helping push or bury Superstars so as to make way for new feuds or new Superstars enter the WWE.

Let's take a look at 3 Superstars who will be buried & 2 who will be pushed at Stomping Grounds:

#5 Baron Corbin - Buried

Baron Corbin will face off against Seth Rollins for the Universal title at Stomping Grounds
Baron Corbin will face off against Seth Rollins for the Universal title at Stomping Grounds

Baron Corbin will get another chance to face off against Seth Rollins at Stomping Grounds for the Universal title, with the prospect of Brock Lesnar cashing in his Money in the Bank contract looming large over the match.

Corbin, it seems, is just a filler in his feud with Rollins, as WWE seem to want the Universal champion to eventually face Lesnar at a big PPV, and the possibility of Lesnar winning the title from Rollins over Corbin is much greater.

Also Read: 5 Superstars who could return at WWE Stomping Grounds PPV

At Stomping Grounds, I feel that Corbin will lose in no time and we could see Lesnar once again tease a cash-in, but not actually cash-in. From the past we've learnt that The Beast will only wrestle in big PPVs, so I expect him to cash-in his contract at a PPV like SummerSlam rather than Stomping Grounds.

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