
3 things WWE needs to do on the RAW before SummerSlam

Brock is RAW
Brock is RAW

For most WWE fans, the latest episode of RAW was a reminder of how good the show could be if it was given a chance. The show had a number of really good angles and solid in-ring work from most of the superstars.

The most interesting part of the show, in my opinion, was Maria Kanellis winning the 24/7 Championship, making it the first time that a pregnant woman had won a championship in the WWE. Other awesome segments from the night included the 5 man gauntlet and the Samoan Summit. However, despite the show’s improved quality, they lost a large portion of the previous week’s audience.

 Most pundits agreed that the sharp decline in the audience was because most fans had only tuned in to see their favorite legends on the RAW Reunion show. While WWE may have increased its ratings for a short while, it did not manage to convince lapsed fans to tune into the show the following week.

This week WWE finds itself in a very unique position. It’s roughly one week to SummerSlam and they have the opportunity to increase their viewership by building on the success of the most recent episode of RAW.

However, for WWE to do this, they need to do several things, and in this article, we look at three of those.

#3 Clear up the 24/7 Championship picture

Maria 24/7
Maria 24/7

Since its introduction, the 24/7 Championship has been at the center of some of the most entertaining segments on WWE and this week was no different.

Maria Kanellis delivered a stellar line about kicking Mike in his lady bits if he did not open the door, and after he opened it she went on to win the 24/7 title. It wasn’t Mike’s night.

Because Maria is pregnant we do not expect to see the sort of antics that made the 24/7 championship a crowd favorite. The WWE isn’t going to allow their wrestlers to pile on top of a pregnant woman, even if it’s to improve the ratings.

The only superstar who has said he is willing to pin Maria is Drake Maverick, according to a tweet that garnered his wife’s ire.

If WWE chooses to go down this route, then it ties into the feud that Mike Kanellis and Drake Maverick have on 205 Live. I’m curious as to how all this will play out.

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