
3 things WWE should do with Seth Rollins after his loss at Crown Jewel

Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins lost his Universal Championship to 'The Fiend' Bray Wyatt at Crown Jewel 2019. It was a shocking moment as most fans expected Rollins to retain his title since Wyatt is a SmackDown Superstar. But WWE showed us that they do listen to us and put the gold on the hottest character on TV. Now, The Fiend will probably hold on to his title for some time.

That brings us to Seth Rollins. Though he's one of the faces of the company, he has not been quite popular lately. He's not to blame, but his booking has been substandard. Putting him against Baron Corbin started taking away his momentum, and since then, he's been trying hard to get it back.

It doesn't help that he's feuding with The Fiend or the fact that he's been criticizing fans on social media. Therefore, fan interest in Rollins has also declined, and it was the right decision to take the title away from him. They must handle him with extra care for the next few months before the damage becomes irreparable.

Here are 3 things WWE should do with Seth Rollins in the aftermath of Crown Jewel:

#3 Keep Seth Rollins away from the title picture

Universal Champion
Universal Champion

Seth Rollins has had quite a successful year in terms of championships and accomplishments. He won the Universal Championship twice by defeating Brock Lesnar on both occasions. He also won the Royal Rumble earlier in the year. Now, it's time for him to step away and have a fresh story.

Giving him a rematch for the Universal title or slotting him in the title picture for any other title will only draw the ire of the WWE Universe. It wouldn't benefit his character at this stage as well. Therefore, WWE should avoid doing that for a few months going forward.

He can have a few feuds in the mid-card and help establish others on the roster. This decision will reduce the pressure on him and allow him to get his mojo back. It will also keep things fresh for fans who've grown to hate his presence at the top of the card.

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