3 ways in which the WWE could have better debuted Bobby Lashley

So Bobby Lashley, the Dominator, is back in the WWE.
To be fair, the fans did see it coming as the speculation was rife in and around Mania time that he would be re-signing with the WWE.
However, his debut didn't exactly have the 'oomph' factor to it that, say, the Hardy Boyz' surprise appearance at WrestleMania 33 had.
Everyone saw that one coming too. But the pop was roof-raising nonetheless.
So did the WWE miss a beat by having Lashley debut lowkey on Raw the next night against Elias?
I'm inclined to think so.
Especially when they could have chosen any one among the 3 ways that follow which - in my opinion - would have provided a much better platform to reintroduce him to the WWE Universe in a more impactful way.
As part of the Greatest Royal Rumble match
The 50-man Royal Rumble event was, honestly, a bit of a downer for me because it was overcooked, too long and lacked any real seminal moments that made you sit up and pay attention.
Especially since it lacked the one main ingredient that makes a Royal Rumble event tick over - surprise entrances.
Even though Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho did take part in the match, they were advertised in advance and the NXT Superstars (and one Sumo wrestler) that did show up unannounced didn't really get the crowd going either.
Perhaps since the WWE knew that they were going to Saudi all along to pull off this mega show, holding back Bobby Lashley's debut till the event may have been a smart move in hindsight.
It would have injected the 50-man Royal Rumble event with a surprise entrance that people would have legitimately popped for and made Lashley himself come across as a big deal by eliminating a handful of Superstars, instead of just having him make a low key debut on Raw against Elias.