
3 Ways to make Women's Money In The Bank Match interesting

Will this happen again?
Will this happen again?

Whether you liked the women's fatal 4-way match on Raw or not, one thing is for sure that the match laid the foundation for some amazing storylines and feuds down the line. This is the third ever Money In The Bank match for the women's division on a show of the same name. The company would want to create compelling television during and beyond the show.

With a new and improved Nikki Cross as part of the match, the company laid the foundation for some extraordinary moments down the line. Her assist to Alexa Bliss after the match to unhook the MITB briefcase gave us an insight of things to come after the show on Sunday.

Vince McMahon can definitely change the storyline any instant, but here's my speculation on how this match can become interesting:

#3 Ask and you shall receive

Nikki Cross changed her character last week, and this week we saw the first glimpse of her new gimmick. It was nice to see her replace The Goddess in the match, but it would be even nicer if she assists The Five Feet of Fury to win the MITB briefcase.

This will be the start of another great storyline and when the time comes, 'The Best in the Galaxy' can take out her friend. It will get a huge pop from the WWE Universe considering the fact that Little Miss Bliss will play a heel character.

We all know that she can sell arenas and storylines with her gimmick and as a pro, she can help anyone's career move upwards. Nikki is in dire need of a push, and this may be the opportunity she needs because the former Raw Women's Champion can help her improve in-ring and on mic skills. She can also help Nikki's new character become a fan favorite.

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