3 WWE Superstars who didn't benefit from heel turns
Heel turns can work wonders for a wrestler's career. CM Punk's 2009 cash-in on Jeff Hardy, Seth Rollins turning on The Shield in 2014, Chris Jericho smashing HBK's head into a monitor in 2008, the list goes on and on. A lot of wrestlers benefited from turning heel.
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Take AJ Styles for example, when he came to WWE, a lot of people saw a stand-off they thought would never be seen in John Cena vs AJ Styles. But turning him heel was the right decision, as keeping him a babyface would eventually make him stale.
The star power plus his cocky heel persona turned out to be something of greatness. Which led to Styles being one of the company's top guys as a face. But sometimes a heel turn can do little to no good for wrestlers whether it be from bad booking, having it happen too early/late, or whatever the case may be. Here are 3 wrestlers who didn't benefit from heel turns.
#3 Goldust
If I told you in 1995 that Goldust would one day team up with a rapper and they would be called the "Golden Truth" you would probably look at me like I was an idiot. But if we're being honest, "Golden Truth" did absolutely nothing for his career except give him something to do.
Teaming with Truth honestly did more harm than good because they lost most of the time. The only good that came out of it was the cheap comedy. Now, I know what you're thinking, "That's the point, they were a comedy duo". Well, take Rusev for example, he's been able to balance the fun light-hearted comedy of 'Rusev Day' and switching that off when it's time to get in the ring.
Recently, he took AJ Styles to the limit for the WWE Championship. If 'Golden Truth' could've done anything close to that, they would've been a more successful tag team. Which eventually would've lead to their breakup, putting more depth into a Goldust heel turn. The reason R-Truth's heel turn in 2011 was the peak of his career, was because there were stakes involved. John Morrison challenged R-Truth for his #1 contendership and won. Which gave R-Truth a reason to be mad.
Golden Truth never won when it mattered. Regardless, when Goldust turned on R-Truth, I thought "Okay now we're getting somewhere". I soon found out that I was terribly wrong and this also did nothing for him. He defeated R-Truth and that was that. To no fault of his own, he is simply just doing what he's told. Despite the debacle of recent years, Goldust will forever be the true definition of longevity in the business of professional wrestling.