
3 WWE heel turns and 2 face turns we need to see in 2022

Are Randy Orton and Riddle headed for Splitsville in 2022?
Are Randy Orton and Riddle headed for Splitsville in 2022?

WWE RAW and SmackDown need a reboot in 2022. Certain key players need for their characters to evolve interestingly so that fans are invested in them over the long haul.

Take any great television character, be it Rick Grimes, Walter White, Dexter, or Daenerys Targaryen. We saw how their character arcs changed in their iconic TV shows, which is why we were so engrossed in their characters.

The question now remains who will change and evolve over the following year. Which WWE stars will go over to the dark side and which ones will remain on the path of light, over the coming year? Let's look at the following names and make educated guesses about their trajectory.

You are welcome to weigh in with your thoughts and comments in the space below. Do you think the following heel and face turns will happen?

#5 WWE RAW Superstar Riddle needs to turn heel

Dressed for the occasion.

@SuperKingofBros is here on #WWERaw! https://t.co/R9yZTdPJ1v

Alright, everyone wants RK-Bro to split up down the line with Randy Orton becoming 'The Apex Predator' once more. Some WWE Superstars are natural heels and Randy Orton is certainly one of them. But it will be interesting to see if Riddle can split away from Randy Orton and swerve the world by going heel.

name this movie.

@RandyOrton @SuperKingofBros
#WWERaw https://t.co/yw4PQRbg6c

Another alternative is both members of RK-Bro turning heel to feud with the likes of The Street Profits or even The New Day, if they show up on RAW following the next Superstar Shake-Up.

Riddle needs to showcase yet another side of his persona soon. Yes, he is still entertaining but it's necessary for him to change before the act grows tired.

Unlike someone like Rey Mysterio, there is a heel in him waiting to break through. Is this a turn you want to see?

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