
4 Interesting Facts about Dean Ambrose

Dean Ambrose and Renee Young aren't an on-screen couple
Dean Ambrose and Renee Young aren't an on-screen couple

Dean Ambrose is currently one of the most impressive characters on the WWE roster. He has managed to do well with the gimmick handed to him, and also keep his previous gimmicks from other promotions alive while playing his role in the company.

The eight Grand Slam Champion has done wonders for whichever brand he has been on, and become a solo headliner even after gaining popularity through The Shield.

As a member of The Shield, he has had much less championship success as compared to his former teammates and has rather shone brighter as an individual performer with the WWE. He managed to win his biggest prize in the form of the WWE Heavyweight Championship while the Shield was disbanded.

 Even though a lot has been said and done about Dean Ambrose on screen, he may be a different character when off the screen. Therefore, there remains a lot which is unknown about the superstar.

Let’s take a look at a few interesting facts about The Lunatic Fringe that may help us know a bit more about him than we already know.

#4 His childhood

He's been involved in a few WWE community activities
He's been involved in a few WWE community activities

Dean Ambrose may be one of the biggest and most successful men on the screens today, but it was not always easy for him while growing up.

Hailing from East End, Cincinnati, Ambrose lived with his family in a public housing. He revealed during an interview in 2015 that growing up in his neighbourhood “every day was a struggle.”

He went on to add that “For instance, there were times that I would have to cave in and do something like selling somebody’s drugs, just so I wouldn’t get beaten half to death. But then there were other times where dudes would catch me walking by and try to push me around, and I had to draw a line, even if I was gonna get pulverized. I ended up earning respect that way — not that I cared, I just wanted out.”

Wrestling soon became his escape, as he dropped out of college to pursue his passion and followed his dream to become one of the best wrestlers in the industry.

It can be said that his in-ring ‘Lunatic Fringe’ persona has taken up a bit from his rough childhood.

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