4 mistakes WWE should not make with the Wyatt Sicks Tag Team debut match on RAW
The Wyatt Sicks are one of the most fascinating acts in WWE and in pro wrestling as a whole. The group, which is in honor of the late-great Bray Wyatt, debuted on Monday Night RAW several weeks ago and a lot has happened since then.
Upon their debut, they targeted Chad Gable, among others. In the time since then, Gable and The Creed Brothers have become proper foes of the dangerous stable. This has led to interactions between the trio and Uncle Howdy, Dexter Lumis, Joe Gacy, Erick Rowan, and Nikki Cross.
In fact, there was a big fight on Monday Night RAW and this led to Gable demanding a Six-Man Tag Team Match on the red brand next week. It will be Chad, Julius Creed, and Brutus Creed against three members of the sinister stable.
Given that The Wyatt Sicks is a new act with a very specific gimmick, Triple H and World Wrestling Entertainment need to be careful about how they book their match next week. This article will look at a handful of mistakes that must be avoided come Monday.
Below are four mistakes WWE should not make with the Wyatt Sicks Tag Team debut match on RAW.
#4. They absolutely cannot get pinned or made to submit on WWE RAW
The Wyatt Sicks are a brand-new stable, but the members are not new to WWE. Bo Dallas wrestled in the company for many years, but primarily as enhancement on the main roster. Dexter Lumis was more of a comedic figure. Meanwhile, Joe Gacy is new to the main roster.
Nikki Cross is a former world champion, but she has been used as a comedy figure in the past too. Erick Rowan also dabbled in comedy, but he probably had the most credibility of the group as a whole up until this new stable formed.
Given that all five have had issues with receiving a serious and sustained push in the past, they need to be presented strongly for the time being to make them credible. If Triple H and WWE want The Wyatt Sicks to be threats, they cannot lose their first match together. It would instantly hurt their drawing power and the fear factor that comes with their presentation.
#3. The Wyatt Sicks can't be unstoppable like The Fiend
While The Wyatt Sicks need to win on WWE RAW, Triple H and company officials need to avoid going too far in the other direction too. The Wyatt Sicks cannot be presented as unstoppable monsters like The Fiend was.
The Fiend, which was a character of Bray Wyatt's invention, had trouble connecting when he was competing. He barely sold any moves and it never felt like he was in jeopardy. It also made matches feel uncompetitive and, at times, outright boring.
Triple H and WWE need to make sure they aren't booked as unstoppable monsters. Instead, booking the group like the original Wyatt Family or even Sanity from NXT is the safer approach. This allows them to sell and connect with the audience in-ring more than The Fiend could.
#2. The match can't go on too long
As the borderline contradicting previous entries have shown, The Wyatt Sicks is a difficult act to book. They can't be made to look too strong, but they can't lose. To further complicate matters for WWE, they need to be competitive, but they also can't go on too long.
It is essential that, while they absolutely need to sell, the group can't have an overly long match where they spend the entire bout selling. Beyond that, the act needs to be protected. The likes of Dexter Lumis and Erick Rowan wrestling for 15-20 minutes next week is simply not advisable.
As a result, WWE needs to be sure the match is kept at a decent length. It likely shouldn't go beyond 10 minutes. If there is an inconclusive finish of some kind, the bout could even end sooner than that. This will keep the stable protected without hurting Chad Gable, Brutus, and Julius.
#1. Any cinematic production must be avoided
Cinematic wrestling has been around at various times throughout wrestling history, but it became far more common out of necessity in WWE thanks to the pandemic. While they can be beneficial in a pinch, they can also be quite bad.
Beyond whether cinematic matches are good or bad, WWE's product is much more grounded and serious in 2024 than it was in 2019, 2020, and other years where these kinds of unique matches were featured. The style simply wouldn't fit.
Triple H needs to let the wrestlers involved actually compete. There shouldn't be smoke in the arena or mood lighting, nor should the fight suddenly take place in a swamp. The match must be treated as legitimately as any others or it will be a massive mistake.