
4 recent WWE storylines that went cold

Cena vs Elias
Wasted storyline potential (Picture source: WWE)

One of the few downsides of WWE's main roster programming being live is that they can, and often do, change their mind on a storyline or a push at a moment's notice. This obviously leads to confusion and equally a bit of apathy from fans as they don't really understand why the company tends to begin a storyline or push before seeming to forget about it in the weeks that follow.

On top of this, the WWE's efforts to make it seem as though fans have forgotten the beginning of a feud is frustrating to watch - not least if it had potential to be a memorable one, for example.

Part of the reason behind NXT's success in recent years is down to the fact that because the episodes are taped in advance, this allows certain storylines to be locked in. Naturally, there are times where legitimate injuries can hinder an ongoing feud but the creative team for WWE's developmental territory always does a great job at adjusting on the fly if and when they have to.

Unfortunately though, the same cannot be said for the main roster's creative team, as they often make changes which do not make much sense.

So with that in mind, let's take a look at four recent WWE storylines that ended up going nowhere.

#4 The Lake of Reincarnation

Back on the March 19 edition of Monday Night Raw, Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy went toe-to-toe in The Ultimate Deletion, which ended after Bray was thrown into the "Lake of Reincarnation." At the time, many assumed that this would lead to a major and frankly much-needed character change for the "Eater of Worlds."

But a little over two months later, it's pretty safe to say that nothing about Bray has changed. In fact, the only thing that is different at present is he's no longer involved in a feud with "Woken" Matt Hardy. Aside from that, he persists to still wear the same clothes, wrestles the same way and does his typical crab walk too.

What this has led me to believe is that once Bray is done being Matt's tag-team partner, he'll return to the same old character - who has been stale for a few years now. It's unfortunate to say the least because Bray's talent is evident for all to see, but he needs to be repackaged if the company want him to reach his full potential in future.

But for now, it's just the same old thing.

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