
4 Superstars that could benefit from the McMahon family's takeover of the WWE

The Whole McMahon Family came out in all its might
The Whole McMahon Family came out in all its might

Vince McMahon and the whole family came out on Raw this week and addressed the audience, openly admitting that they screwed up and there is going to be a complete shakedown that is going to happen in WWE.

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Completely new things were promised as well with Triple H coming out and saying that now what the audience wants is what's going to happen, or in his words 'We are not the Authority any more, you are'. 

Such a change could mean a new lease of life for many wrestlers as they might get a chance and it might also mean some fan favorites getting a push which earlier just didn't seem possible.

With that in mind I jotted down a few wrestlers who could benefit from this shakedown, let's go through them.

#1 Finn Balor(Demon King)

WWE could do with a bit more of the Demon King
WWE could do with a bit more of the Demon King

When you talk about listening to fans then you have to listen to them chanting Balor's name every time anywhere he makes an appearance.

He is one of the most over wrestlers in WWE right now and it's hard to explain why someone like him just doesn't get the main event push.

He's great in the ring, pretty good with the mic in his hand and probably got one of the best gimmicks with his alter ego the Demon King.

And something that maybe he might have been dinged for earlier, he's not that injury prone either. 

He ticks all the boxes and more importantly, fans adore him, everyone saw the reception Asuka got when she won the SmackDown women's title, Balor could gather the same if not more support from the fans. 

If the WWE management is serious about "listening to the fans" then Balor would surely be looking at better times compared to the woeful 2018 he had to go through.

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