
4 Surprising WWE World Champions of the 21st Century

The Modern Day Maharaja
The Modern Day Maharaja

WWE is surely full of surprises. They have enticing storylines, creative matches, shocking breakups and the list goes on and on. WWE is full of drama and we all just love it. Start counting the wow moments given to us by the company during the '80s and '90s and you’ll be amazed by the efforts this business put into just to make us tune in every week.

One of the most prominent thing in the company is its world championship. The main championships we are mostly used to is the WWE title and the retired World Heavyweight Championship. The Universal title hasn't been seen this year. The magnitude is high, the potential is immense Lives change as soon as a person is crowned the world champion of the WWE considering the fact the competition this brand receives is significantly inferior.

Talking about world champions, some legendary names have held the alpha title in the company. Names like Triple H, John Cena, Hulk Hogan and many more have been the recipients of the greatest prize in the company. When we look at the list of men who’ve been world champions then we find few superstars on the list whose presence is quite a bit of a shock for the universe. 

The WWE universe went in absolute shock upon watching these men become world champions:

#1 The Great Khali

The Great Khali
The Great Khali

Over the years many giant men have been associated with the WWE and The Great Khali is one of the largest of them all. The giant from India was a nightmare and his massive hands had done a hell lot of damage in the WWE ring.

Khali was a feared opponent courtesy of his massive structure but apart from that, the giant man from India didn't put on much in the ring. The WWE universe went in absolute disbelief upon watching Khali become the world heavyweight champion.

The WWE universe and the board loves big men. Men who are capable of destroying their opponents, men who despite their huge size are able to put on a tremendous show but that can't be said about The Great Khali as the Indian wrestler never really gave a 5-star match and lacked immensely in the desire in-ring attributes.

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