4 Biggest things Jon Moxley hated about WWE as revealed on Talk is Jericho

Jon Moxley's interview with Chris Jericho has been the talk of the wrestling world since it dropped and has quickly become the most listened to episode of Talk Is Jericho.
Looking back at what Jon Moxley said, let's go over the 4 biggest problems he had with WWE which led him to leave.
#4 The direction of his character

One big issue Jon Moxley had during his time in WWE was the direction of his character. He said that he and Vince saw the character differently, with Vince seeing Dean Ambrose as a whacky character rather than the grittier image Moxley himself had.
Moxley described one of the promos Vince once sent to him, which described a number of things Ambrose had done on his way to the arena that day including riding a unicycle backward.
Moxley went on to say that he went down to meet Vince McMahon and talk about the promo and described what happened next:
"Now it’s out of the writer’s hands, now I gotta go in and talk to Vince. Alright. I go in and talk to Vince, I’m like, “Yo, I can’t say all this stuff. It’s ridiculous.” And he’s like, “Oh! It’s such good shit! Oh, this stuff! This is the reason people like you! It’s why they connect to you! You’re different! This is you!” And I’ve had a million conversations with him that are almost this exact same conversation about similar promos or things. You know, “This is you! It’s such good shit! This is what makes you, you!” And I said, “So I’m an idiot?” And he goes, “No, hahaha! It’s you! You’re different!” And I’m like, “Okay.” And I don’t know where we landed on that particular promo or whatever, but that kind of sums up the battle I’ve been fighting for six years." H/T: WrestlingInc