
4 Things that should happen at Wrestlemania 35

Wrestlemania is just a few days away
Wrestlemania is just a few days away

With WrestleMania fast approaching, there are many things that should be going through the minds of many fans, who are really excited about many matches on this year's edition. WWE, though, in the past has shown a propensity to orchestrate a swerve in lieu of generating a reaction out of the audience.

But this is a crucial juncture for WWE - AEW is slowly gathering steam and working on their first show; many fans are already not happy with how some WWE matches are set up and how some wrestlers have been treated. This edition of WrestleMania is important for WWE and there are some events that should unfold for the show to be a success. Let's go through a few of the things that should happen at WrestleMania 35 -

#1 Brock Lesnar should lose the Universal Championship

Lesnar's part-time status doesn't make him a suitable candidate for Universal Championship
Lesnar's part-time status doesn't make him a suitable candidate for Universal Championship

If WWE hasn't realized by now, then they will never realize that the decision to put the belt on Brock Lesnar was not the best one. Considering the kind of contract he has, wherein he's paid per appearance, Brock's appearances have been few and far between, and by making him the Universal Champion, what WWE effectively did was remove one of the top prizes of the company from the show. The absence of the Universal title has been made part of the storyline heading into WrestleMania for that very reason.

If Brock has to be used in his current contract then he needs to be put to utilized in a better way - not as a championship contender, but as someone who shows up sporadically and raises hell. It's about time they took the belt from him because it's just not doing any good anymore.

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