
4 things that shouldn't happen at Survivor Series 2019 but probably will

Seth Rollins
Seth Rollins

We're less than a week away from the last big four PPV of the year, Survivor Series. It's the time of the year where different brands of the company battle for supremacy. The concept of this PPV has excited fans throughout the years, and it may do the same this year. The addition of NXT into the mix has created some intrigue over the last weeks.

At the PPV, there are three triple threat matches between different champions of each brand. Besides that, there are two five on five on five elimination matches as well. Overall, the match-card looks stacked and may end up as one of the best shows of the year.

However, for that to happen, WWE must be spot-on with their booking. Some booking decisions may pull down the quality of the show and must be avoided. In this article, we will look at four such things that shouldn't happen at Survivor Series 2019 but probably will happen.

#4. Seth Rollins is the sole survivor


Seth Rollins, the captain of RAW's men's team at Survivor Series 2019, will have an arduous task at hand at the PPV. He's gone through a lot in the last two months due to his feud with The Fiend Bray Wyatt, which has harmed him physically and mentally. Besides that, HHH has been offering him a spot on NXT's team and playing mind games with him.

All this suggests that Rollins is not at 100% heading into the PPV. He has been dealing with conflict in various forms and has become more relatable to the fans. So, the ideal booking option would be to get a good showing from him before being eliminated. Instead, we may see him go through everyone else in the match.

He may end up with the most eliminations and stand tall as the sole survivor of the match. WWE may believe that Rollins will get cheered if that happens, but judging by fan response, it's safe to say that it's not something fans would like.

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