
4 times Kayfabe was entirely broken in WWE

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For those of you who may not know, Kayfabe is the fictional stories that are told in wrestling.

A good example of this is the historic Vince McMahon Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin feud of the Attitude Era. On TV, (in Kayfabe) the two were the most bitter of rivals, with Austin representing the everyman, and McMahon the maniacal overbearing boss, that everyone recognized in some part of their lives.

But in reality, the two were (and still are) friends, with the two men working together to provide some of WWE's most entertaining moments, as well as make the company, and both men, very rich.

Sometimes though, Kayfabe is difficult to maintain, and on some occasions, it has been completely destroyed in front of a very unsuspecting crowd.

Here are just four instances, when Kayfabe was entirely broken in WWE.

Note: Just because it's already been brought up a thousand and one times, we won't be including the Montreal Screwjob.

#4 Kofi Kingston loses his Jamaican accent

Kofi lost the accent feuding with Randy Orton.
Kofi lost the accent feuding with Randy Orton.

When he debuted in ECW, Kofi Kingston was a Jamaican sensation, speaking in a thick accent and representing the black, green and yellow colors of the Jamaican flag.

But when Kofi entered a huge feud with Randy Orton in 2009, the New Day star quickly dropped the accent, showing a serious side of the future champion.

This was even referenced in the run-up to Bragging Rights 2009, as Kofi aimed to ease the tensions across team RAW.

In response, Triple H bluntly asked "Aren't you supposed to be Jamaican? What happened to your accent?" to Kingston, revealing that the accent had been fake all along.

A funny moment to be sure, though it was very strange to see the Game completely shatter the story live on RAW.

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