
4 ways Sami Zayn could impact Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar's latest feud

Sami Zayn could play a key role in Roman Reigns' next feud
Sami Zayn could play a key role in Roman Reigns' next feud

Sami Zayn officially wormed his way into The Bloodline a couple of weeks ago. Although it did seem like The Usos called him an 'honorary Uce' just to get him to stop annoying them, he is now a part of the most dominant faction in WWE today.

Having appointed himself as the locker room leader, the irony of Zayn operating as Roman Reigns' lackey isn't lost on anybody. His time so far with the group has been well-booked and intriguing, with some of his actions benefitting them and some costing them.

With Reigns now caught up in a feud with Brock Lesnar, The Bloodline will play a key role in the proceedings. While The Usos have always had their Tribal Chief's back, this marks the first time The Great Liberator will join them in battle. He could prove to be a major factor in the feud, and could affect it in multiple ways.

On that note, here are four ways Sami Zayn could influence Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar's feud.

#4 On our list of ways Sami Zayn could influence the Reigns-Lesnar feud: Face Lesnar in a match on the road to SummerSlam

Hey Sami, fancy a ticket to Suplex City?
Hey Sami, fancy a ticket to Suplex City?

With Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar officially set to do battle in a Last Man Standing match at SummerSlam, the build for the show has kicked off. It will be Lesnar's first match since his defeat to Reigns at WrestleMania 38, but why does it have to be?

The Beast could seek some momentum heading into The Biggest Party of the Summer. While that can be done by laying waste to The Bloodline, doing so in matches is a better way of going about it. A match between Lesnar and new member Sami Zayn would be a fun and intriguing contest.

The disapproval the latter will have to face from The Head of the Table after he loses would be great storytelling as well.

#3 Interferes at SummerSlam and costs Lesnar the match

Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar's Last Man Standing match will most certainly have some form of interference given the stipulation. The Usos have saved the champion's bacon more times than we can count. What if it is Sami Zayn who lives up to his moniker and produces a master strategy to screw Lesnar once again?

Reigns would be pleased to see Zayn succeed and save him from Lesnar. Doing so would make him a jewel in The Bloodline's crown and earn him a promotion from the title of 'honorary member'. It would also put him in The Beast's crosshairs, but let's focus on the positives, eh?

#2 Interferes at SummerSlam and accidentally costs Reigns the match

Oh boy, will this be interesting! Sami Zayn is only hovering around as a member of The Bloodline, but his membership will be canceled, speared, and guillotine-choked if he accidentally costs Roman Reigns his match against Brock Lesnar.

As smart and resourceful as Zayn is, he is also capable of the occasional stinker. If said stinker takes place after he inevitably interferes at SummerSlam, he will be responsible for the biggest WWE title change in years. That will not bode well for his Bloodline future, and um, his well-being.

#1 Turns on The Bloodline

Zayn joining hands with Lesnar would be surreal
Zayn joining hands with Lesnar would be surreal

This could be the biggest reality check for The Bloodline should it happen. It is clear that they don't treat Sami Zayn as a true member of the team. If they go too far and berate him heading into SummerSlam or at the show itself, we could see a betrayal for the ages.

Zayn turning on The Bloodline would draw a thunderous pop and have far-reaching consequences for the product. Imagine the scenes when The Usos prepare to send Brock Lesnar through a table or something, but are denied by The Great Liberator.

A pairing of Lesnar and his fellow Canadian would be great, with the two showing exceptional chemistry in their segment together a couple of months ago. Zayn has even shown his managerial chops during his association with Shinsuke Nakamura, and could serve as The Beast's new advocate. It would also give us a feud for the ages in Lesnar and Zayn versus The Bloodline.

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