
4 Ways WWE has changed for the better

WWE has turned a completely new leaf
WWE has turned a completely new leaf

If you have been a long time WWE fan, you know how stressful it was to remain a fan of the newly turned PG product. Storylines were diluted, the babyfaces silly, and the heels just plain dumb. Add to that a Creative not equipped to write within the confines of PG restrictions, and you get a bad product.

However ever since then, WWE has improved a lot in ways thought unimaginable. Although shoddy booking persists, the product remains a net positive.

On this article, we'll take a look at some ways in which the WWE has changed for the better.

#1. Newer faces

The main roster is STACKED

Say what you want about the indie-raiding policy of the WWE, it has provided us with exciting matchups never thought possible. Gone are the days when Orton and Cena were the only main event guys on the roster.

AJ Styles, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, etc. are just one of the many names who are main event material. This keeps the title picture and the product fresh. We don't have to sit through plodding Randy Orton matches or an obese Big Show going through the motions.

The product is faster, fresher, and thoroughly more enjoyable.

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