4 WWE main roster Superstars who would do better in NXT
WWE has a lot of talent on the main roster. Some of those are good and deserve more and some talent would do better if in a new environment. It will help build them up to major stars again. Look at the talent that has been released over the years and look at how good they are now in NXT.
A trip back isn't always a bad thing. The trip can help whoever so that when they come back to the main roster, they're better. The talent that comes to mind who's done this in the past is Emma and Zack Ryder. Their time in NXT helped them become better than before, even if that was for a short time. Sadly Emma is no longer with the company and Zack Ryder is back to doing what he knows best, Losing.
Let's look at four superstars who could benefit from taking a trip to NXT for a while.
#1 Apollo Crews
Apollo was sadly called up from NXT way too early and he hasn't done anything worthwhile up until he teamed up with Titus O'Neal. His partnership in ''Titus Worldwide'' has helped him get more screen time lately, but that's about it.
NXT would've been a great place for Apollo if he stayed a little longer. He could've done a lot instead of doing nothing in his first year on the main roster. He could've been NXT Champion if he'd stayed.
The talent alone in NXT now would create plenty of memorable matches for Apollo to be a part of. Apollo vs Adam Cole or Johnny Gargano to name a few.