4 WWE Superstars Matt Riddle could feud with on the main roster

Matt Riddle is one of the most exciting prospects to ever enter an NXT ring. He’s a man that already has the WWE Universe buzzing about his presence. At the age of 33, Matt Riddle has a bright main roster future ahead of him. Of course, in the past, we’ve seen many an NXT main eventer completely flop on the main roster. Names like Tye Dillinger and Leo Kruger especially come to mind.
But there’s something different about Matt Riddle, he has that X-Factor that Vince McMahon craves. It’s fair to say WWE is lacking charisma in the main event scene today, Matt Riddle could be the man to finally grab Vince’s brass ring and appeal to a worldwide market. Bro, this guy is going to be a star, it’s just a matter of when not if.
Below are the best feuds to introduce Matt Riddle to the casual market.
#4 Finn Balor

The inaugural Universal Champion has enjoyed quite a bit of success on the main roster. Despite some saying he hasn’t quite met expectations, Balor has been a main player for WWE since graduating from NXT. And why wouldn’t he, for a man with all his experience and star power, Balor was always going to be a hit. He’s the example that Matt Riddle must aim to emulate. Of course, not just emulate, but also better in terms of main event status.
With their uniquely strong and agile styles of wrestling, Balor and Riddle would undoubtedly provide us with several five-star bouts. Balor has the ability to make anyone good but someone like Riddle doesn’t even need any help, he’s that good. Balor putting over Riddle in his debut feud on the main roster would be huge, but imagine if Riddle also became the first man ever to beat the Demon? Now that’d be a pathway into stardom.