
3 Reasons Why Carmella's Face Turn Is Terrible, And 2 Reasons Why It's Tolerable

Carmella turning face came as a big surprise to many in the WWE Universe
Carmella turning face came as a big surprise to many in the WWE Universe

Ever since making the transition from being a cheerleader to a professional wrestler, Leah Van Dale aka the woman known to the WWE Universe as Carmella, has gone from strength to strength. Signing with the WWE back in 2013, very few apart from perhaps 'Mella's longtime mentor Triple H would've thought that she'd make it this big in the world of sports-entertainment.

It was only recently that the WWE made a rather interesting choice of having longtime heel Carmella finally turn face. In fact, the company went all in with The Fabulous One's face turn; to the extent that they even permitted her to go back to her natural hair color, besides also stylizing her hair with shades of black and red -- marking a marked change in her on-screen appearance, attitude and actions.

With Carmella being one of the WWE's top female Superstars today, her heel turn has brought about several significant changes in the upper echelons of the company's landscape. Today, we are going to be looking at a few distinct factors in favor of as well as a few others against the WWE's perplexing decision to have Carmella turn heel...

#5 Why It's Terrible: Natural Heel

Carmella is a natural heel
Carmella is a natural heel

Firstly, we tackle the most glaring reason which suggests that the WWE may have made a blunder by turning Carmella heel at the zenith of her run as a notorious heel on SmackDown Live. The former "Miss Money In The Bank" is a natural heel!

The Princess of Staten Island is tailor-made to play the role of a villain in the WWE -- as was evident during her time as the Money In The Bank contract-holder as well as when she reigned supreme as the SmackDown Live Women's Champion. Carmella has mastered the skill of garnering heat from the loyal sports-entertainment fans who show up in droves at WWE events the world over.

Her style of trash-talking as well as the smooth efficiency with which Carmella delivers her heelish insults not only at her opponents but also at the fans, is nothing short of brilliant. Let's face it, in this day and age where most performers struggle to cut even a halfway-decent promo, a heel like Carmella is rare to come along...

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