
3 Wrestlers Who Look Exactly Like Their Dad And 2 Who Definitely Don't

In this article, we look at 3 WWE wrestlers who look exactly like their dads, and 2 who definitely don't...
In this article, we look at 3 WWE wrestlers who look exactly like their dads, and 2 who definitely don't

The wrestling business is absolutely filled with second and third generation Superstars now a days, and without a doubt, these wrestlers have a much easier time "learning the ropes" so to speak considering the sport runs in their blood.

We have seen many of these second and third generation wrestlers go onto do big things in the WWE like The Rock, Randy Orton, Bret Hart, Roman Reigns among countless others, as Vince McMahon seems to have a soft spot for these types of performers -- not to mention the fact that these wrestlers generally perform at a higher level quicker than the rest of the pack.

Most of the wrestlers we are going to feature in this article have wrestling in their family lineage, but there just so happens to be one who has no prior family involvement in sports entertainment -- can you guess who it is? Regardless, while some of these current wrestlers resemble their dads, not all inherited their looks from their fathers -- as some would say, they "got it from their mamma". With that being said, let's take a closer look at the following 3 wrestlers who look exactly like their dads, and 2 who definitely don't...

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#5 Exactly The Same: Randy Orton and Bob Orton Jr.

Randy O
Randy Orton is almost a mirror image of his father Bob Orton Jr.

Randy Orton has truly accomplished all there is to in sports entertainment, and he's certainly keeping his legendary familie's name alive in the business. Randy is a third generation Superstar, as both his grandfather Bob Orton Sr. and his father Bob Orton Jr. were involved in the business for many years -- they are both considered to be legends.

Orton is widely regarded as one of the WWE's top superstars today, and will most likely go down as a WWE Hall of Famer when it's all said and done. Randy has been widely appreciated for having successfully represented the Orton family name--with many saying that he may very well surpass the legacy of the Orton family predecessors in the professional wrestling business.

Randy undoubtedly inherited his looks from the male side of the family, as he looks uncannily similar to both his father and grandpa. The photograph showcased above gives you an idea just how closely Randy resembles his dad -- Bob Orton is quite simply the "older version"...

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