5 awesome things Seth Rollins absolutely must do in his WWE return
The WWE pulled the hood over the WWE Universe’s eyes and sent them into a daze by unleashing Seth Rollins on the unsuspecting masses. The former WWE World Heavyweight Champion who never lost his belt, pedigree and all, hoisted what was a balmy PPV until then to a box office smash.
Shane McMahon braved the mic one more time and didn’t waste a moment in setting up a match at MITB for the big belt between the two erstwhile brothers in arms. Like a legendary martyr, Rollins has strode forth to claim the throne, knowing full well that it’s going to end in flames, jobbing to Roman Reigns.
But stranger things have been known to happen, despite prophecies existing to the contrary in the WWE. Should we be foolish enough to hope?
Double turn
It’s pretty evident that Reigns will remain champion at MITB. The only thing that can transform the feeding tube of the WWE to Captain America is a heel turn. It is heard that Vince McMahon’s patience is wearing thin of waiting for Roman to be accepted as ‘the guy’ and the only thing standing in the way is Triple H.
Roman needs to put a little more effort into being an elitist snob who does what he wants without a thought. When he finally does lose the championship, Seth needs to go ape on him with a steel chair or such, trading places with the true-and-tested double turn. With the right twists, this could carry the WWE right upto next year’s WrestleMania.