5 best feuds for a returning John Cena
Next week it happens. It's finally happening. Our great saviour John Cena is returning to SmackDown. You'd be lying to yourself if you said you hadn't missed the 15-time World Champion over the past few months.
His star presence alone is entertainment for me. Despite now transitioning into what he once criticised The Rock for becoming, Cena's mainstream career is on the rise and that's nothing but positive news for the WWE. Cena has been severely missed, but he has never shied away from admitting his home will always be the WWE.
As the 15-time World Champion makes his way back to Tuesday nights next week, here are the 5 best feuds for Cena to enter, heading into the new year.
#5 Baron Corbin
As we saw this week on SmackDown, Baron Corbin is destined for great things in the WWE. It's clear that the WWE higher-ups favour him closely, his push is coming in the near future. He is the monster heel that SmackDown has always needed; it's now time for the lone wolf to face the ultimate clean-cut good guy.
Standing at a dizzy 6'8, Corbin stands head & shoulders above his peers, representing a true dark force to be overcome by babyfaces. For his size, Corbin moves at a frightening speed with great agility and power.
Even John Cena would struggle to cope with the big man's strength, which makes fans genuinely believe it's a more than an even match up. This titanic bout could be the launchpad that ejects Baron Corbin into the dizzy heights of the WWE main event scene.