5 best real-life Vince McMahon stories

Eccentric is the word often used to describe the man we all have grown to know as the evil WWE villain Mr McMahon.
Love him or hate him, you can’t deny that Vince McMahon is an out-and-out entertainer or in his words, the man ‘knows how to put a**es in seats’.
Nevertheless, as is the case with most geniuses, there are several crazy stories about Vince McMahon and his myriad of eccentricities.
Most of these tales have indeed been corroborated by top professional wrestling personalities including current or former WWE staff, performers, acquaintances as well as Vince’s close friends.
Regardless, we hereby request the reader to take the following narration with a pinch of salt, what with the fact that most of the stories haven’t really been confirmed or denied by the man himself. With that being said, let's look back at some of the craziest Vince McMahon stories:
#5 Vince McMahon, Jonathan Coachman and the 'arrest'

Vince McMahon is no stranger to betting and this hilarious gambling tale goes back to the time Jonathan Coachman was one of the most well-connected personalities backstage in the WWE.
The story goes that McMahon once had Coachman arrested for running an illegal gambling ring in the WWE. Now, although Coachman was indeed instrumental in making several rather generous bets backstage, the grounds for his long-term imprisonment after arrest simply weren't there.
Nevertheless, that didn't stop Vince from playing a rather cruel prank on the Coach, having the latter arrested by a few cops who were in on the prank.
Apparently, they drove Coachman all the way to jail in the police cruiser, only to eventually make a U-Turn and take him back to WWE Headquarters. The incident is said to have caused Jonathan to lose his mind, go into a wild rage and weep uncontrollably in public!