
5 Best Wrestling Matches Of 2015

Sometimes a clash in wrestling styles is actually a good thing...
Sometimes a clash in wrestling styles is actually a good thing...

When I looked at the top five matches of 2014, I noted that there were several outstanding matches that came close to making the ‘top five’ list. That trend continued for 2015, as there was an incredible collection of outstanding wrestling matches in 2015 that made compiling this ‘top five’ list almost impossible.

New Japan Pro Wrestling was, once again, the king of great matches, producing them throughout the year like a factory. That company continued this trend thanks to phenomenal wrestlers like A.J. Styles, Okada, Ishii, Kota Ibushi, Hirooki Goto, and others. But there was a new cadre of wrestlers that were also becoming household names in NJPW and on the independent circuit as well: Kenny Omega, KUSHIDA, Will Ospreay and the Young Bucks, just to name a few.

These wrestlers and many others had a lot of amazing matches throughout 2015, and I encourage readers of this series to search up those wrestlers by name, one by one, to see the kinds of great wrestling matches I’m talking about.

Then there’s WWE, which had a very interesting year. That company put on a lot of fun and enjoyable matches throughout the year, both on the main roster and in NXT. Wrestlers like Cesaro, Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, and even John Cena all put on terrific matches for WWE in 2015.

Unfortunately, we cannot include all of their great matches in this series; we can only showcase the five best, which are listed below.

#5 John Cena vs. Kevin Owens – Money In The Bank 2015

The spring and summer of 2015 were highlighted by John Cena wrestling different opponents and becoming ‘Big Match John’. And none of those big matches was bigger than this one.

Wrestling in front of one of the most thunderous WWE crowds of the year, Cena and Owens went to war against one another. Owens had the advantage at first, and even stole some of Cena’s signature moves, much to the crowd’s delight. Owens also hit a lot of big moves to showcase his versatility, including a senton bomb, a Fisherman Suplex from the top rope, and a teased Package Piledriver.

But Cena would not be denied, and showed how desperate he was to beat this rising star. He had to resort to unusual moves like an Electric Chair spun into a Powerbomb, an inverted vertical Suplex, a Yoshi Tonic, and a springboard Stunner. These two wrestlers hit so many big moves and had so many believable near-falls that their twenty-minute match felt almost double that length.

Once this amazing contest was over, Owens was fully cemented as a top star in WWE and proved to everyone that there was more to him than what first met the eye.

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