
5 Best WWE Character Arcs Of 2018

Let's take a look at the most interesting WWE Character Arcs from 2018
Let's take a look at the most interesting WWE Character Arcs from 2018

Character Arcs refer to the transformation of a particular character as the story gradually changes through a period of time.

Professional Wrestling or WWE, features a wide range of characters for just about each and every fan preference out there. 2018 was a year that saw several impressive character arcs throughout the course of different storylines.

Now, we are going to be looking at some of the best WWE character arcs that occurred in 2018.

#1: Dean Ambrose

Dean Ambrose had an impressive heel turn by coincidence
Dean Ambrose had an impressive heel turn by coincidence

We all know what happened. After Ambrose's triumphant return to RAW, audiences were sure that we were all going to witness the Shield plow through the entire roster like their initial days.

But there was something amiss. WWE booked Ambrose's character such that he became unsure if being with his Shield brothers was the best option for his career or not. As 'The Lunatic Fringe' kept hinting towards a heel turn in the near future, things in the real world went downhill.

Roman Reigns got diagnosed with Leukemia. This unexpected shock not only left everyone in a somber mood, but it also brought audiences back to the reality in the world of Professional Wrestling. However, creative heads work unbelievably well in unforeseen circumstances.

Dean Ambrose turned his back on Seth Rollins during the very same night, and this only lead to a bigger reaction, which is what Professional Wrestlers strive for. It is early to tell whether or not Dean Ambrose's character arc since his return will pay-off, but nevertheless, it is important to note that coincidences do lead to some unexpected returns.

So when people look back at WWE in 2018, this particular character arc will certainly be one of the first things that will pop into our minds.

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