5 Better GMs for Raw than Mick Foley
He’s a former WWE Champion. He’s a hardcore legend. He has taken bumps that are banned in modern day WWE. He’s none other than the Hall of Famer Mick Foley. There’s very little that Foley cannot do. Sadly, one of these things is being an authority figure on Monday Nights, as General Manager of Raw. Sure he tries his best. But he’s not the crazy, unpredictable authority figure that he once was.
On Smackdown Live, Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon get bigger pops than most of the talent. So does William Regal on NXT. There’s something about Foley though, that hasn't been able to connect with the WWE Universe. Maybe it’s the fact that he cannot play his erstwhile character anymore. Maybe it’s because Stephanie McMahon emasculates him at every opportunity she gets.
We can only wistfully hope that the following stars would be brought back to WWE television, and would claim their position as General Manager of the flagship brand- Raw.
#5 Linda McMahon
Mick Foley today plays the gullible, sweet, easy to be manipulated General Manager who’s essentially a puppet for Stephanie McMahon to boss around. Of course, Stephanie dresses Foley down at every given opportunity, and makes him look like a complete fool.
And because men dominating women is a no-no in today’s environment, Stephanie always gets the last laugh every week. Here’s the only person who won’t take any BS from her. Her own mother- Linda McMahon. Linda McMahon would be the conscience for Stephanie McMahon’s actions, and the babyface-heel dynamic would work far better between her and her daughter, as compared to McMahon and Foley.