
5 big questions for Vince McMahon

The main man
The main man

While there have been many influential figures throughout the history of professional wrestling, nobody quite compares to Vince McMahon. He's been the catalyst behind the rise of so many new traits in the industry that have developed over the years, and while you may not agree with every single thing he does on screen, the guy has done more than enough to earn the respect of the WWE Universe.

Since Vince first broke into the business, he's done a plethora of things that have opened the door for a parade of questions from fans around the world. Some of them have been answered over time but most of them haven't been, and while that may not be all too surprising, we're still determined to find out the truth.

Speaking of which, that's the one rule that we're going to be putting in place for this fantasy idea of ours: McMahon has to be completely honest with us.

One day we'd love to think that Vince will take part in a one-hour sit-down interview with a member of the media if only to see what he'd come out with. But in reality, we'll probably never be satisfied with how much we do or don't know about the man and the way he conducts his business.

That's not to say we aren't incredibly grateful for everything that he's done for us as fans, because we are, but it's Vince McMahon! How can you not be intrigued by him? He built something from the ground up and created a multi-billion dollar product, which is something that doesn't happen every day. He's a fascinating individual, and unsurprisingly, you'll notice that the entries we are about to talk about involve some of the biggest names and superstars in WWE history.

So with all of that being said, here are five big questions that we have for Vince McMahon.

#1 What happened in Cleveland?

There are two sides to every story
There are two sides to every story

Four and a half years ago, CM Punk walked out of WWE after years upon years of built-up frustration came out in the form of one big showdown in Cleveland. The former WWE champion ran down all of the things that were said between himself, Vince McMahon and Triple H on that night, but as is the case with everything in life, there are two sides to every story.

While Vince has never publically denied anything that Punk said, that doesn't mean there's not more to the story. The two supposedly had a close relationship throughout his time with WWE, which makes us think that the meeting in question had more layers to it than we originally thought. There's no guarantee of this, obviously, but we still want to hear about the juicy details.

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