
5 Biggest backstage rumors following Survivor Series: Locker room divided over issue, Reason behind top name's surprising absence, Vince McMahon not happy

Vince McMahon/Randy Orton
Vince McMahon/Randy Orton

Survivor Series is done and dusted, and it would be safe to say that the show was a great success. Not only did we get great in-ring action, but WWE also managed to put NXT over in a big way.

From an unhappy main roster to Vince McMahon being displeased with a major match at the show, a lot of backstage rumors have emerged coming out of the brand war PPV.

As per reports from Wrestlingnews.co, Vince McMahon is impressed with Keith Lee and we could expect a major push for the Limitless Superstar in the days to come, including a potential shot at the WWE Championship.

Let's take a look at other big backstage rumors coming out of Survivor Series:

#5 Main roster stand divided on WWE's decision to push the NXT stars

WWE has truly gone all guns blazing to promote NXT ever since it debuted on the USA Network. A big example of this push came during the build-up to Survivor Series which saw the NXT talent best main roster Superstars on multiple occasions on all 3 shows.

Even at Survivor Series, NXT emerged the clear victors of the brand war, gaining 4 victories over RAW and SmackDown on the show. As per Sportskeeda's Tom Colohue, the roster seems split over the favours shown to NXT.

Here is what Tom Colohue stated:

I have been told that Survivor Series was a particular low for some members of the roster. NXT having won the night on double the score of their nearest competitor and four times the score of RAW does paint RAW in a negative light, as was addressed this week on RAW.

A quote from Colohue's article:

“I’m not angry at NXT or any of those guys. I’m angry at the guys who made the decisions. Triple H got handed everything again.”

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