
WWE Rumors : 5 biggest rumours heading into Fastlane 2019

Which one of these rumours could be true?
Which one of these rumours could be true?

The last stop on the road to WrestleMania is Fastlane, and while many see no reason for this pay-per-view to exist, it plays an important role in the build-up of many narratives that will be on the WrestleMania match card.

From the Shield re-uniting to finding out who is going to walk into Wrestlemania as the WWE Champion, it now seems as if this pay-per-view is not as pointless as many make it out to be.

As another piece of evidence that proves Fastlane might be the most important pay-per-view of the year is the exciting rumours that have been circulating the internet over the last few days. Many have speculated that there will be multiple heel turns, big returns and shocking moments that elevate the show. So let us go through the biggest rumours that surround Fastlane 2019.

#5 Becky Lynch Goes To Wrestlemania

Becky could finally be getting her championship shot
Becky could finally be getting her championship shot

The Women's Championship feud between Ronda Rousey, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte Flair is one of the most entertaining feuds on WWE TV these days, as WWE has implemented a lot of clever booking strategies in the build-up of this feud, but not all has been smooth sailing.

Many would say that is due to WWE overbooking this in many areas, as Becky getting arrested multiple times and Ronda dropping the title only to get it back a few days later are some of the few examples of WWE doing too much with this.

But it seems at the event we would finally see WWE take the logical road by having Becky beat Charlotte to finally get added to the Women's Title match at Wrestlemania. This rumour is one that seems plausible as Becky has been on too many detours as of late, and by WWE centering her in this narrative once again, it allows for things to kick off.

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