
5 biggest takes from the WWE Live house show in Manchester, England

Sasha Banks holding up the SmackDown Women's Title in Manchester, England
Sasha Banks holding up the SmackDown Women's Title in Manchester, England

On WWE's latest tour, both RAW and SmackDown rosters have been performing in England. The former featured in the first half of the tour and the latter in the second half.

On November 10, the roster strolled into Manchester, England, for the first time since November 2019. The show marked the tour's last date before the superstars headed back to the U.S. for their live show on Friday.

Manchester's A.O. Arena 200 level was completely closed off, with the lower bowl seeing several seats unsold. Despite the lower attendance than usual, the WWE Universe made it a night to remember.

That being said, let's take a look at five of the biggest takes from the WWE Live house show in Manchester, England.

#5 WWE SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair is a class act

❤️ twitter.com/dannywol11/sta…

Charlotte Flair has been criticized for an apparent backstage bust-up following the Women's Title exchange segment that took place a few weeks ago. However, The Queen proved her worth where she does it best: in the ring.

Before SmackDown arrived in Manchester, WWE announced that Charlotte Flair would be defending her SmackDown Women's Title against Sasha Banks. The match main-evented the show.

Both ladies put it all on the line for their last outing against each other before catching a plane to the USA. Flair retained the title, as expected.

Following the match, Charlotte extended her hand to shake Sasha's hand. They both shook hands and showed each other respect. But Charlotte tried to hit Banks with her title, only for The Boss to get the upper hand. She lifted the title proudly above her head, signaling she would be champion again someday.

@MsCharlotteWWE Managed to get it on record. Incredibly wholesome https://t.co/ybwLFiTa95

As Flair got outside, she went over to a young fan, who had been chanting her name throughout the main event. She embraced the young girl with a huge hug, despite being the villain on the show.

It was a class act from The Queen, who proved she is one of the best of all time despite the negativity that has been recently surrounding her.

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