
5 Biggest WWE/NXT Superstars That Are A Worldwide Sensation Today

Who has the most momentum today?
Who has the most momentum today?

With the roster the company possesses today, WWE have certainly managed to ascend some of their superstars to the top of the industry without laying any significant emphasis on their push.

While some were always meant to become the next big thing, there are certain superstars who have scratched and clawed their way to become the most popular superstar on the entire roster.

The great thing about professional wrestling is the involvement of the fans that are constantly supporting their favorite superstars, and in the process, coercing the company to hear their voices.

Considering that it was the WWE Universe that took the company by storm, and pushed Daniel Bryan to the main event status he deserved by elevating him to the top of the industry, and therefore, led him to pull off a miracle at WrestleMania 30.

There's no denying that the creative team has at times, failed to bring longevity to a certain character and over-pushing them becomes too troubling when it comes to garnering appreciation from the crowd.

Whether it is NXT or WWE, some of the superstars from the company have risen to the top of the industry organically and have become a wrestling sensation today. Who are they? Let's find out.

Here are the 5 biggest WWE/NXT superstars that are a worldwide sensation today.

#1 Becky Lynch

Possibly the greatest WWE superstar today
Possibly the greatest WWE superstar today

At a time when WWE's booking of the women's division was being vehemently criticized all over the internet, one female superstar was making waves all the world with her willingness to reach to the top and grab the brass ring.

Becky Lynch has emerged to become possibly the most popular superstar on the entire roster today, and has been successful in gravitating the attention of the management with her ever resilient in-ring skills and charisma.

While the company held Charlotte, Ronda Rousey, and Alexa Bliss as the main female competitors on both brands, the Irish Sensation had the adulation of the crowd and that eventually led her to become a sensation within the industry.

There's no female superstar on both the rosters that can even match the popularity of Lynch, and since she is heading into a collision course with Ronda Rousey at Survivor Series, the fans could make things ugly for the Rowdy One due to their love for Becky.

Legions of WWE fans see her as the Stone Cold of the women's division and judging by how dominant she has been, the company finally has a legitimate main-event superstar in their hands with Becky Lynch.

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