
5 booking options for Sami Zayn after his heel turn

What now for Sami Zayn?
What now for Sami Zayn?

Now that the dust has settled after WWE Hell in a Cell 2017, the burning question on the minds of WWE fans all around the world is what happens next with Sami Zayn? After his shocking heel turn at the end of the show, what comes next for the man who was formerly the ultimate babyface?

Having stagnated over the course of the last year or so, there is no doubt that the heel turn is going to be a welcome change to Zayn's career but the WWE's creative team will need to book him right in order to get the most out of it. As we prepare for the post Hell in a Cell episode of Smackdown Live, we speculate on what is the best direction for Kevin Owens' best friend.

So, without any further ado, here is our list of 5 booking options for Sami Zayn after his heel turn:

#5) One on one feud with Shane McMahon

A feud against Shane incoming?
A feud against Shane incoming?

Without a shadow of a doubt, the person most affected by Sami Zayn's heel turn is Shane McMahon. So, why not set him up in a program against the Canadian as the first step on the road down evil?

Shane has already proven that he can hang with the best with his superb matches against AJ Styles and Kevin Owens, so don't rule out a straight one vs one angle between the commissioner of Smackdown Live's newest heel.

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