5 Booking options for Shawn Michaels if he returns to the WWE ring
It has been six years since Michaels was in a WWE ring as a competitor. Aside from cameo appearances, guest referee spots and the occasional yuk-up with Ric Flair and other former WWE superstars, he has led a non-wrestling existence.
Until this year. Michaels has begun working with WWE’s Performance Center, as Anthony DiMoro wrote in an August 17 story on Forbes.com.
While it would appear that he was adding his name to the vast array of talented trainers and the professionals on staff, there has always been a tease of sorts with him about whether he would get back in the ring for “one more match.”
Just so everyone knows, WWE has not commented on the picture on Twitter or the rumours that have flown around the world like the Road Runner on steroids. This may all be a tease once again, with Styles making the claim he would love to face one of the greatest to ever wrestle.
Also read: WWE News: Jim Ross comments on AJ Styles vs Shawn Michaels Rumours
Michaels did, however, say that if he returned to the ring, he would love to face Styles one-on-one.
Since all we have here is speculation and a lot of wishful thinking, maybe there is a chance to have a little bit of fun with this. If Michaels returned to the ring, besides Styles, who would be an ideal opponent? Here are five names to consider.
#1 Triple H
Best friends in and out of the ring and two of the best workers to ever set foot in a WWE ring. Triple H isn’t retired, but there is growing sentiment that the angle with Seth Rollins will never happen, and fans wouldn't like another angle going to waste.
The potential of this match is intriguing because while they are best friends, there is still a brooding rivalry between the two. Who is the better performer? Who can go the distance? Fans must be salivating at the chance to see this kind of a match – much like one between Triple H and Undertaker.