
5 Botches that made WWE storylines even better

Botches can sometimes improve the WWE product
Botches can sometimes improve the WWE product

One of the most surprising things that casual WWE fans might not know is that the storyline developments we see on Raw and SmackDown Live are often decided upon at the last minute before shows take place.

For example, it was reported after the August 6, 2019 episode of SmackDown Live that Vince McMahon rewrote the entire script just two hours before it was due to go live – something that is not uncommon in modern-day WWE.

As well as last-minute changes to shows, WWE’s decision-makers have been known to drastically alter the direction of storylines after accidental botches left them with no choice but to highlight the incidents on television.

When that has happened in the past (e.g. Superstars suffering long-term injuries as a result of a botch), it often leads to the storyline coming to an abrupt end. However, there have also been occasions when storylines have improved after a Superstar inadvertently changed the script by making a mistake.

In this article, let’s take a look at five examples when a botch made a WWE storyline even better.

#5 Sasha Banks hits Becky Lynch in the head with a chair

After four months of cryptic tweets and uncertainty surrounding her future, Sasha Banks returned to WWE on the Raw after SummerSlam 2019 by attacking Natalya and turning heel.

Becky Lynch ran down to the ring in an attempt to stop the attack, but she ended up receiving multiple steel chair shots to the back from her fellow ‘Horsewoman’.

Following the show, much of the talk surrounded one particular chair shot, which saw Banks accidentally catch her rival on the back of her head – a move that has been banned in WWE for over a decade.

Lynch even alluded to the mistake on Twitter by posting a three-second clip of the chair shot, accompanied by a caption saying that “receipts are coming” for what Banks did to her.

The story of “The Boss” returning was already strong enough to warrant plenty of television time, but the inadvertent chair shot to Lynch’s head helped further cement her new status as one of the top heels in the women’s division.

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