
5 candid photos from WWE Raw you didn't see on TV (Exclusive)

Zack Ryder's father
Zack Ryder's father

This week's episode of WWE Raw emanated live from The Nassau Coliseum in Long Island, NY, and I was in attendance for the event.

The experience of seeing a WWE live event is very different from seeing it on TV, as there are a lot of moments the fans in attendance see to which the fans viewing at home are not privy. One could call it a pulling back of the curtain, so to speak, as the live crowd is very much seeing the production side of a WWE live event, and sometimes, you catch glances of certain performers or segments from POV's different from that of the TV viewing audience.

With the above in mind, let's take a look at 5 candid photos from WWE Raw this week that you did not see on TV.

#5 Zack Ryder's father

Zack Ryder's father
Zack Ryder's father

A native of Long Island, New York, Zack Ryder's father is a big supporter of his son, and has been spotted at numerous WWE live events in the past.

This week's episode of Raw was no different, as Ryder's dad was seated at ringside for the duration of the show, to cheer on his son Zack.

In the above photo, Ryder's father is the tanned, blonde haired man who is in great shape, and he was certainly grinning ear-to-ear when he saw his son Zack manage to defeat Mike Kanellis in a match which lasted under one minute.

Ryder's father got a kick out of Maria Kanellis' promo after the match, during which she claimed her unborn baby had a better chance of defeating Zack Ryder in a singles match than her husband, Mike Kanellis.

Fans attending events in the NYC area can always keep an eye out for Ryder's dad, who frequents many WWE events at which his son competes.

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