
5 current WWE jobbers who have great mic skills

He was a jobber, but a decent mic worker.
He was a jobber, but a decent mic worker

Cutting a good promo has always been an important part of WWE. To be a top guy in the industry, one should have the ability to interact and connect with the crowd.

Wrestlers like Stone Cold Steve Austin and Chris Jericho have always had the best of both worlds - great in-ring skills and phenomenal talent on the microphone. However, some performers who have the natural ability to produce interesting, convincing promos and interviews, are mostly used to put other Superstars over.

Here we look at five such superstars who may not be number one on the roster, but indeed have the gift of gab.

#5 Bo Dallas

Just bo-lieve in him.
Just bo-lieve in him

Bo Dallas signed a developmental contract with WWE as an 18-year-old and has been with the company since then. He had a great heel run in NXT and even won the NXT Championship once.

After coming up on the main roster, his 'bo-lieve' gimmick became huge with the fans. The annoying yet entertaining gimmick was portrayed to perfection. Even as a part of 'The Social Outcasts', Dallas was always convincing and engaging. Despite getting over with the WWE Universe, WWE never handed him a proper push.

Bo Dallas has the prospects to be a big star in the wrestling industry, however, he is always seen jobbing to other Superstars. The youngest NXT Champion in WWE history deserves something better, doesn't he?

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