
5 Current WWE Superstars who broke character on live TV 

Several current WWE Superstars have broken character on live tv
Several current WWE Superstars have broken character on live tv

WWE Superstars go through extensive training ahead of their on-screen debuts so that they are prepared for what awaits them.

Superstars often break character in interviews or online but it's very rare that wrestlers break character when they are performing on WWE TV. That being said, there are times when superstars are not prepared for what happens and accidentally break character.

One of the more famous recent moments saw current AEW star Chris Jericho forced to break character when Neville (a.k.a PAC) suffered an injury in his match and couldn't continue. The referee wouldn't count the three for Jericho so the former world champion was forced to get himself disqualified.

The following list looks at just five current WWE stars who have broken character on WWE TV in the past.

#5. Former WWE Champion Randy Orton

Randy Orton has been performing on WWE TV and in front of live audiences now for almost two decades. Despite this level of experience, Orton has been known to break character on WWE TV on several occasions.

One of the best-known incidences of this came back in 2009 when The Viper faced off against Kofi Kingston. The finish to the match was reportedly supposed to see Kingston hit with a punt kick, but the former World Champion stood back up and forced Orton to deliver an RKO instead.

Orton then ranted at Kingston in the middle of the match, calling him "stupid" before finally pinning him. This mistake went on to cost Kingston his push in WWE and is one of the most memorable moments of his career.

Orton was obviously annoyed that he was unable to use his Punt Kick finish on Kingston and made that clear after he delivered the RKO. Kingston learned from his mistake and the two men have since wrestled each other numerous times without any issues surfacing.

The Legend Killer later went on to break character at Survivor Series back in 2016 when Shane McMahon seemingly suffered a concussion following a spear from Roman Reigns.

McMahon's sons and his wife were positioned at ringside and, after seeing the fear in the eyes of his children, The Viper went over mid-match and made it clear to them that their father was alright.

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