
5 directions WWE could go next with the Ronda Rousey vs. Stephanie McMahon rivalry

Ronda Rousey was successful on her WrestleMania debut

It’s 20 years ago to the weekend that Steve Austin and Vince McMahon went one-on-one in a WWE ring for the first time, ending WCW’s 83-week winning streak in the television ratings and kick-starting one of the most iconic rivalries in wrestling history.

Fast forward to 2018 and, if reports are to be believed, WWE is looking to recreate the Austin-McMahon feud between Ronda Rousey and Stephanie McMahon, with MMA megastar Rousey being the anti-authority figure who fights back against the villainous boss.

So far, despite some inconsistent promo segments on Raw, the rivalry has delivered way above expectations, especially following Rousey's incredible performance alongside Kurt Angle against Triple H and Stephanie at WrestleMania 34.

After this week’s segment on Raw, where Rousey locked an armbar in on Stephanie for the second time in 24 hours, it’s pretty clear that this feud is far from over, so let’s take a look at five possible directions that the storyline could go next.

#5 Singles match between Ronda Rousey and Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie McMahon tried to make peace with Ronda Rousey on Raw

If WWE wants to head straight into another match between Ronda Rousey and Stephanie McMahon, a singles battle between the two women is definitely worthy of headlining a PPV, even above matches for the WWE or Universal title.

Stephanie is sure to seek revenge for being embarrassed by Ronda at WrestleMania 34, as well as the following night on Raw, and the story is ready-made for a singles match between the two at some point.

It’s just a question of whether WWE wants to go ahead with the match soon, allowing Ronda to move on to the rest of the women’s division, or whether the first one-on-one meeting will take place at a big stage like SummerSlam.

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