
5 directions WWE will take after WrestleMania 35

The King Slayer is now The Beast Slayer
The King Slayer is now The Beast Slayer

WrestleMania 35 is over and it's time for the post-WrestleMania season. It's actually a really interesting period of time because WWE usually gears things up. More often than not, underwhelming WrestleMania shows usually lead to enthralling post-WrestleMania periods. Just look at 2016.

WrestleMania 32 was arguably the worst of the decade, but the months that followed it saw an absolutely incredible direction. Sure, WrestleMania 35 was not without its faults. The show was too long, many of the matches underwhelmed and the entire show seemed to be built around three matches.

However, the outcomes were spot on and the right people have walked out of the show of shows with championships. With that said, the post-WrestleMania period has a high chance of being extremely interesting and we could end up seeing some great and not-so-great changes coming.

The Superstar Shake-Up will definitely have more answers than the RAW after WrestleMania. Either way, here are a few directions to expect now that the show of shows is over.

#5. A unified Women's Division

The Man is on top at last
The Man is on top at last

Becky Lynch's match at WrestleMania didn't finish as hoped, but she did get the job done as many people had hoped. That's a good thing and she has now established herself as the face of the women's division in WWE.

While the common thought is that she'll likely vacate the SmackDown Women's title or drop it soon, it's actually more likely that they're going to unify the titles and the division going forward.

While it's not known how exactly they plan to do that, having a Tag Team Championship for the women certainly helps their cause with regards to the brand split issue.

All we can hope is that this isn't another end to the brand split. Ideally, it would be better if the titles were separated.

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